New Pickups Trail Blazers
I started winding the prototypes for the new pickup line today. It is a PAF styled humbucker for two pickup Les Paul type configurated guitars.
It will be a mix of vintage and modern technologies and will be an over/under wound set. The neck pickup will have a 4% underwinding.
This will bring out the highs in the generally subdued neck position. This will add a top polish to the mellow neck allowing for blending tones
with the tone pots. The bridge will be a 6% overwinding to bring the mids into prominence adding bite to the bridge and stepping up
the growl of the meaty bridge pickup. These will be wound with 42AWG red polynylon wire and taped with a modern 4 conductor shielded wire.
terminating ends will be left unsoldered for coil tapping and phase inversion applications. Double wax potted to eliminate microphonics.
They have bullseye slugs and nickle silver base plates. Full strength Alnico V magnets with chrome covers.
Like the original PAF these will be a 49.2mm length rather than the 50 and 52mm that are prevelant in imports these days.
Magnets will be oriented South to the screws North to slugs on these model T-160 Trail Blazers.
Wiring will be:
Red = hot
Black = ground
Bare = ground
White and Green = Together for full traditional humbucking
or individual to coil tapping with White coming from screw side
and Green from slugs.

These pickups are set to go to market after testing in August with additional humbucker designs coming in the future geared towards the
Floyd Rose type shredder guitars. These will have no covers and be in the zebra bobbin style. But first things first.
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